Architects: Paco Alonso     Photography: Belén Imaz     Construction Period:  1986     Location:  Madrid, Spain

In 1986 Paco Alonso was given the job to conceive a shop located at Jorge Juan Street, in Madrid, for the shoe businessman Manuel Losada. The rigour and fantasy of the project became a reality that went far beyond them. The mythicized store in Jorge Juan Street preserves its original state, in raw form, untouched. It displays an astonishing contemporaneity that allows wondering whether macro and micro may be the same thing, and they will be –or not– just in direct connection to the intensity. We’re talking here about the real meaning of the word “work”. No more macro-projects blurred by badly assimilated ambitions – intellectual and artistic height must be demanded from architecture, and not poorly-measured experience based on budgets.

Description by Lucía Gorostegui.